I write about how people navigate power dynamics in their families and communities, and deal with gender performance and expectations. I’m interested in people who are reckoning with their history, and the impact that has on the community around them. My writing is both social realist and fabulist; I'm working on how to navigate a fusion of those two worlds.
Some Things That Happen When You Have the Strength
of Ten Men
December 2021
A short story about siblings, gender, and different kinds of strength.
Published in Augur Issue 4.2
The Explosions are Magnificent
March 2021
A short story about first loves, hometowns, and knowing when to leave.
Published in Home is Where You Queer Your Heart Anthology, Foglifter Press
March 2019
A short story about turning a fall from grace into an opportunity for power.
Published in Emerge: 2018 Lambda Fellows Anthology, Lambda Literary
This is How You Love
a Coyote
February 2019
Flash fiction about two strangers who meet at a bonfire.
AWP Writer to Writer Mentorship
March - May 2020
Worked with John Elizabeth Stintzi on my short story collection, and completed a series of six modules on craft.
AWP Conference Panelist
March 2020
Presented the panel “Lambda Literary Fellows on Transnational and Intersectional Queer Fiction” in which I and the other panelists discussed what forms queerness can take in fiction. I also read from a short story in progress.
Nomadic Press "Get Lit"
July 2019
Read from “Ghost Town,” a short story in progress.
Nomadic Press "Get Lit"
October 2018
Read from “Some Things That Happen When You Have the Strength of Ten Men,” a short story in progress.
Lambda Literary Fellow
August 2018
Worked with cohort and workshop leader Chinelo Okparanta on short stories, and read from my work at public reading.
I read a selection from "Hardened" at the Lambda Literary Retreat.